By Will McGuirk
“The song is really about ego, and it's that inner ego that everyone holds within them." - Snotty Nose Kids
“We are all morons. In a world of moronic things. In a world of moronic ideas. You are moron. I am Moron. We are Moron.” - The Lovely Eggs
“To watch someone quietly working a craft with their hands, taking their time and allowing themselves to focus in a way that hopefully quiets the mind and blocks everything else out can be incredibly calming and hypnotic. Whether at a professional level or just channeling energy into a personal hobby, there’s a lot of power in having a pursuit that requires attention and finesse.” - Nation of Language
"It's about flipping the power structure, the power dynamic, in your life. The world or a personal figure might be putting you down; it's about taking control and owning your life and owning the situation." - Samantha Fish
“I remember pontificating these thoughts in my basement studio before looking up and saying, ‘Hey! Am I the only one feeling this?! Am I the only one thinking about this change? This undertow of a tide sweeping us all potentially under water? And how we don’t know when we can come up for air?’” - Niz Wiz